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Archiving images of Protists including genera, species, samples.

Warning: This table shows only groups (taxa), images of which are included in our database.
Thus, other groups lacking images (e.g. Sporozoa and other parasitic protists, Rhodophyta, etc.) are not shown.

Flagellates with or without chloroplasts, phytomastigotes are possibly derived from secondary endosymbiosis of eukaryotic algae into the cells of zoomastigotes.
Choanoflagellida Cell body small, plastic with one anterior flagellum which is surrounded by siliceous collar; Codosiga, Salpingoeca, etc.
Bicoecida (Bicosoecida) Similar to Choanoflagellates, but vase-shaped lorica (or test) is made with chitinous materials
Kinetoplastida One or two flagella emerging from a depression of cell body; with kinetoplast (feulgen-positive spherical or oval body at the base of flagellum) ; free-living (Bodo) or parasitic (Tripanosoma)
Cercomonadida With two flagella of unequal length, no kinetoplast; flagellar base close to parabasal body
Rhizomastigida "Flagellated" amoeba
Cryptophyceae Cell body kidney-shaped; two equal-length flagella emerged from anterior depression; Cryptomonas
Dinophyceae Cell body with two grooves, horizontal and vertical; with or without chloroplasts; Peridinium, Ceratium, etc.
Euglenophyceae 1 - 3 flagella emerging from anterior canal; with or without chloroplasts; Euglena, Phacus, Peranema, Entosiphon, etc.
Opalinata Opalinea Cell body covered with many cilia like ciliates, but without macro- and micronuclear differentiation
Symbionts in the intestine of frogs
Cell body plastic with amoeboid movement, Heliozoa contain radially-arranged axopodia, Amoeba are with or without tests.
Heliozoea Axopodia arranged radially; some (e.g. Ciliophrys) transform from heliozoa to flagellates.
Lobosea: Gymnamoebia Pseudopodia lobate; without tests (cell body naked); Amoeba proteus, Mayorella, etc.
Lobosea: Testacealobosia Pseudopodia lobate; with tests (cell body within a test); Arcella, Difflugia, etc.
Filosea Pseudopodia filamentous; with or without tests; Gromia, Vanpyrella, Euglypha, etc.
Granuloreticulosea Pseudopodia reticular; with or without tests; Biomyxa, etc.
Cell body covered with cilia, nulcei differentiate to macro- and micronuclei, cilia also differentiate to unique structures (cirri, membranelle, etc), many species.
Karyorelictea Miacronuclei are produced from micronuclei at each cell division; Loxodes, etc.
Heterotrichea Cell body large, mostly contractile; Stentor, Blepharisma, etc.
Spirotrichea Adoral zone well-developed; Euplotes, Stylonychia, etc.
Prostomatea Cytostome apical; cell body cylindrical or spherical in shape; Coleps, Prorodon, etc.
Litostomatea Cytostome subapical; cell body laterally compressed; with or without toxicysts; Loxophyllum, Dileptus, Lacrymaria, etc.
Phyllopharyngea Chilodonella, Suctoria, etc.
Nassophorea Nassula, Paramecium, Frontonia, etc.
Oligohymenophorea Tetrahymena, Glaucoma, Vorticella, etc.
Colpodea Cell division occurs within a reproductive cyst (except Bursaria); Colpoda, Cyrtolophosis, etc.
Cell body with long and short flagella.
Chrysophyceae With or without chloroplasts; chloroplast yellowish green or yellowish brown due to a large amount of beta carotin and xanthophyll, also cotains chlorophyll a and c; Dinobryon, Synura, etc.
Xanthophyceae Similar to Chrysophyceae, but lacks fucoxanthin (a brown carotenoid pigment); Vaucheria, etc.
Raphidophyceae Gonyostomum, etc.
Bacillariophyceae Cell body covered with siliceous cell wall having numerous small pores; Centrales radially symmetrical, Pennales laterally symmetrical with or without central groove.
Cell body with chloroplasts containing chlorophyll a and b.
Chlorophyceae This group may or may not include Charophyceae.
Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Pediastrum, Scenedesmus, Oedogonium, etc.
Ulvophyceae Ulothrix, etc.
Charophyceae This group may or may not include Gamophyceae. Chaetosphaeridium
Gamophyceae Sexual reproduction (conjugation) is known. Mougeotia, Zygnema, Spirogyra, Closterium, Cosmarium, etc.
Trebouxiophyceae Microthamnion, Trebouxia

Copyright Protist Information Server

This database is supported by the "Soken-Taxa" project "Construction of Biological Image Databases" at The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, and by the "Bio-Resource" project "Fundamental research and development for databasing and networking culture collection information" at JST (Japan Science and Technology Corporation).